Catherine Wright

Catherine Wright

Interpretation Planner


Catherine is a qualified academic historian, with a specific interest in Irish cultural and public history. Her main focus has been on arts-based public history practice. Catherine believes that the arts can provide a broad palette of interpretative tools for researching and representing the past.

Catherine’s academic research has centred on creative peace and reconciliation work in contested historical spaces. The interdisciplinary nature of this area has inspired Catherine to use diverse and innovative methods of communicating our heritage.

Beyond the studio

As a self-confessed ‘drama queen’, Catherine loves all things ‘theatre'. She has performed in numerous amateur productions at home and at university, and even has a professional credit to her name! She also loves to help out on her family farm; rearing rare breed animals and showing pigs and sheep at the Balmoral Show! 

Dream Interpretation Project

A dream interpretation project would delve into the history of Irish theatre and explore how it holds a ‘mirror up to society’, reflecting Ireland’s social and political history. It would also celebrate the contribution and creativity of women in the arts - like Irish playwright Teresa Deevy (Catherine says if you don’t know her, Google!). 


MA Public History (Distinction)
Queen’s University Belfast
2020 – 2021

BA Hons History (2.1)
Durham University
2017 – 2020