Claire Dalton

Claire Dalton

Interpretation Planner

Claire brings to Tandem a passion for connecting visitors with heritage in real and tangible ways and creating emotive, educational and accessible experiences which can’t be replicated elsewhere.

She has over ten years’ experience in art and cultural heritage across a variety of institutions, including National Museums Northern Ireland, Historic Royal Palaces and private art galleries. A member of the Visitor Studies Group, she believes strongly in the potential of audience consultation to get to the heart of what is truly important to visitors, and strives to improve our ways of communicating effectively with audiences.

Beyond the studio

Claire has a keen interest in modern and contemporary Irish art and frequently visits museums and art galleries both in Ireland and while travelling abroad. She has written for publications including the Irish Arts Review, Irish Museums Association Annual Publication and Museum iD Magazine. In her spare time she practises yoga and has recently taken up pottery.

Dream Interpretation Project

‘If I could interpret a subject of my choice it would have to be the life and work of Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock among others. His work is loved by people around the world and transcends boundaries of country, culture - and age. Particularly in Sesame Street, his vision made complex ideas - from learning to spell to dealing with grief - accessible, educational and most importantly enjoyable for children of all ages. We as interpreters could learn a lot from him and his approach.’ 


HND Cultural Heritage (Level 5) 

MA Museum Studies and
Cultural Heritage (Distinction)
University of Ulster
2011 – 2012

BA Hons History of Art (2.1) and French (2:2)
Trinity College Dublin
2003 – 2007