Michelle Blair

Michelle Blair

Project Manager


With over 10 years’ experience in the job, Michelle steers projects from kick-off to completion, carefully navigating the constraints of time, quality and cost. As an internal client representative, she champions the highest possible standards of delivery among the team and external contractors.

Having delivered projects of all sizes and budgets through multiple contract routes during her tenure, she continues to be a natural questioner, encouraging further discussion and consideration of ideas and plans in the firm belief that the devil is in the details.

Beyond the studio

With an avid interest in architecture and interiors, Michelle’s preoccupation with design extends beyond normal working hours. Adding to her professional development with the Institute of Leadership & Management, she dips in and out of an open learning diploma in interior design with the KLC School of Design, which she hopes to finish one day in and around the extension and renovation of her interwar-period home (also known as ‘the project that never ends’).

Michelle believes that well-considered design provides a way to interpret the world around us and has the power to change things for the better.

Dream Interpretation Project

Michelle is constantly delighted and inspired by the genuine inventiveness of the Aesop brand and their commitment to beautifully crafted, superlative design – where ethos meets interpretation meets interiors, in over 100 stores all over the world. She continues to wait with bated breath for an Ireland store.



BA Hons (2.1) English Studies
Trinity College Dublin
September 2002 – June 2006

Advanced Diploma in Management Practice
University of Ulster School of Business
June 2009 – June 2010