No.5 Vicars' Hill

Visitor Experience

No.5 Vicars' Hill

'What a jewel in the Crown of the City!'

TripAdviser Review

No. 5 Vicars’ Hill is an important 18th Century Grade A listed building originally constructed as the Registry for the Church of Ireland in Armagh.

Situated in close proximity to the Cathedral, the Registry underwent an extensive programme of restoration to function both as an interpretive centre, and as an introduction for visitors to the adjacent Armagh Public Library and St Patrick's Cathedral & Crypt.

No. 5 presented many challenges through its layout and the number of narrative threads to be told, jumping from ancient Roman Coins, Medieval Bells and Bronze Age Swords, to 18th & 19th Century Armagh.

The exhibition's core stories included Armagh and its Christian Heritage, linking specifically with the NITB’s St Patrick’s Christian Heritage signature project. We also wanted to tell the story of No. 5 itself under a number of headings

  • As a Registry

  • Archbishop Robinson and his wider cultural agenda

  • Artefacts

  • Links to the Library

We designed two bespoke display case units that establish the artefacts
as the real stars of the show. They also house touch screens, rubbings and activity sheets among other things, keeping younger visitors occupied while adults engage with the content.



Throughout the building a
careful balance has been achieved between artefact display, panel based narrative and technology-based & hands-on interactives,
to cater for all learning styles
and intellectual abilities.

IDI Design Awards 2011
No. 5 Vicars’ Hill, Armagh, Commended


Interpretation planning and production of Visitor Experience Plan

Redesigning of visitor orientation and arrival

Graphic design and artworking

Project management including cost estimating and control, on-site supervision

Snagging and handover